The Recipe and Ingredients of Business Excellence

February 13, 2024

Creating and running a hugely successful business is the same as the process of preparing, presenting and selling insanely delicious food or beverage and I don’t mean ‘cooking the books’ which one (now incarcerated) accountant suggested to me at an industry event where I was invited to speak. 

Whilst there are several "X" factors, like using the Total QX (Total Quality Experience) framework, that can completely ramp up a business to stand out from the crowd, there are some fundamentals that create the opportunity for sustained success. Whether preparing a great dish or an amazing cocktail the process is relevant to the setup up and running of a business in any industry. You’d think then that hospitality would be the most effectively run and operated businesses in the world. It’s an industry I love and I would love for this to be true. Sadly though, too often nothing could be further from reality. 

Most industries have to deal with all of the same challenges of external forces such as Economic Downturns, Changing Consumer Preferences, Market Dynamics, Regulatory Changes, Natural Disasters, Seasonality, Cultural and Political Events, and Currency Fluctuations, so the idea is to control what we can and navigate to the best of our ability the things we have no direct influence over.

Identifying Your Dish: Choosing a Product or Service

Before you can select a recipe or envision the dining experience, you need to decide what dishes you want to serve. This involves understanding the culinary landscape (the market), identifying what appetites exist (customer needs), and determining what unique and satisfying dish (product or service) you can offer that isn't already being served by others (niche), or how you can make an existing dish far superior (differentiation).

Choosing the Recipe: Vision and Strategy

Just as you would select a recipe based on the occasion, your guests' preferences, and the ingredients available, starting a business requires a clear vision and a strategic plan. The recipe you choose embodies your business idea – what you wish to offer to your target market. The vision is the dish you aspire to create, while the strategy outlines the steps to get there, including the markets you'll enter and the competitive advantages you'll leverage.

Sourcing Ingredients: Resources and Talent

High-quality ingredients are fundamental to an excellent dish, just as the right resources and talent are crucial for a business. This involves securing capital, technology, and materials (the ingredients), as well as assembling a team of skilled professionals (the chefs and sous-chefs, service personnel, back of house, admin) who share your vision and can execute the plan. Each ingredient and team member must be chosen to ensure they contribute positively to the final outcome. During the hiring process it is best to match the psychographics of the candidates to the business goals so that the people you hire will excel in their roles to help you achieve those goals

Put it on the Menu: Marketing and Visibility

Before guests can order a dish, they need to know it exists. Similarly, in the business world, before customers can engage with a product or service, they must be made aware of its existence. While restaurants need to advertise their venue and overall experience, from the perspective of the food offering, marketing and advertising in any business are akin to putting it on the menu. This step is crucial because it directly impacts the customer's ability to make an informed decision. Just as a well-designed menu can entice a diner to try a dish, effective marketing strategies can draw customers toward a business's offerings. This involves showcasing your product or service in the best possible light, highlighting its features, benefits, and unique selling points to stand out in a competitive landscape. It's about ensuring visibility in a crowded market and making it easy for potential customers to find and choose you over others.

Specials: Special Offers and Promotions

Restaurants frequently showcase specials to not only draw in patrons but also to spotlight select ingredients, creating a unique dining experience. Similarly, more generally in business, promotions and time-sensitive offers serve as powerful tools to attract new clientele and encourage loyalty among existing customers. By leveraging the sense of urgency and the fear of missing out (FOMO), these strategies effectively motivate consumers to act swiftly, boosting sales and reinforcing brand engagement.

Recommend it: Sales and Customer Service

Just as the suggestions of wait staff can sway the dining decisions of a guest, in the business world, the role of sales teams and customer service representatives is equally pivotal. They are the frontline in presenting products or services to potential buyers, guiding their decisions through personalised recommendations. This helps customers understand the unique benefits of an offering and also fosters a sense of value and trust. These tailored interactions are key to boosting customer satisfaction and nurturing loyalty, thereby enhancing the overall customer experience. Furthermore, they serve a strategic function by guiding customers toward offerings that the business aims to highlight or clear. This approach not only aligns with inventory management goals but also enriches the customer's exploration of the business's range, potentially uncovering hidden gems or timely deals. By harmonising customer interests with business priorities, these recommendations cultivate a more engaging and mutually beneficial relationship.

Preparation and Cooking: Execution and Operations

This step is the daily operations of your business. Just as in cooking, where timing, technique, and temperature are key, in business, efficient processes, effective management, and operational excellence determine the quality of the output. Adjustments may be necessary as you respond to feedback and unforeseen challenges, similar to tasting and tweaking a dish as it is cooked.

Plating and Presentation: Branding and Customer Experience

The presentation of a dish can significantly influence its reception, much like how a company's branding and the customer experience it delivers affect perception and value. This involves the visual identity of your brand and the interaction customers have with your product or service – the "plating" that makes the experience memorable and distinctive.

Tasting and Feedback: Market Response and Adaptation

Finally, just as you would taste a dish and adjust the seasoning before serving, and then gather feedback from your guests to refine your recipe, a business must be attuned to its customers' responses. Interactive Engagement Circuits as used in the Total QX (Total Quality Experience) framework are the next generation of traditional feedback loops. These circuits or loops are important for making iterative improvements, adapting to market changes, and innovating over time to meet evolving tastes and preferences.

Enjoyment and Sharing: Growth and Scaling

The ultimate goal, akin to enjoying a wonderful meal with friends and family, is to grow and scale the business, sharing your value proposition with a broader audience. This involves expanding your market reach, diversifying your offerings, and perhaps even teaching others your "recipes" for success through franchising or partnerships. Irrespective of industry, almost every business wants more customers to come back more often, spending increasingly more and telling others to do the same.

Present the Check: Complete the Sale

In the same way that presenting the check concludes a dining experience, requesting payment for the service and meals enjoyed, the business world mirrors this final step through invoicing and payment processing. This crucial phase is where a business formalises the transaction, detailing the services or products provided and the amount due. Effective invoicing and efficient payment processing are essential to secure the revenue, facilitating a smooth transition from the completion of the sale to the actual receipt of funds. Just as in restaurants, where the presentation of the check is a clear signal that the service has been rendered and payment is now expected, in business, the invoice serves as the formal request for payment, cementing the exchange between customer and company.

If you’re not in the hospitality industry, you may never have considered the process of how food finds its way onto a plate and to your table, and why would you. Yet, when it comes to running a business, have you considered the importance of meticulously following each step to ensure your enterprise is both sustainable and also primed for growth? It's essential to pay attention to these details. Ironically, even within the hospitality industry, where this process is fundamental, it's often overlooked.

Reflecting on the journey from concept to customer in the context of a restaurant is a valuable metaphor for business operations across industries. Each step, from deciding what dish to create to presenting the check, mirrors critical stages in business development, marketing, and customer engagement. Yet, the question remains: Are you meticulously crafting your business's menu and ensuring each dish (product/service) is deserving of a spotlight?

Consider this an invitation to examine your business processes with the same care a chef gives to crafting a menu. Are there areas where your business could benefit from a fresh perspective or innovative strategies? If navigating these steps seems daunting or if you're seeking ways to refine and enhance your business recipe for success, let's connect.

As a seasoned management consultant, business coach and teams trainer with a passion for blending business acumen with the pursuit of pleasure, passion, and purpose, I'm here to guide you through optimising your business operations for growth and scalability. Together, we can create a bespoke strategy that both meets your current needs and also anticipates future trends and challenges.

Reach out today to start crafting your business's success story. Let's ensure your offerings are not just on the menu but are the talk of the town.


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This article is also on the newsletter ready for you to explore the important challenge of ingredient cost management. Essential for every hospitality business, mastering this skill can be the difference between red or black on the operations P&L in a competitive market. The subject interconnects with so many areas of operations and profitability, both directly and indirectly; too many to cover in this article. In this article we’ll look at strategies and insights that will empower you to optimise costs without compromising on the quality your customers expect. Dive in for a straightforward guide to turning this aspect of your operations into a strategic advantage.
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Paul J Lange

Paul J. Lange

Executive & Business Coach | Food & Hospitality Industry | Entrepreneur & Investor | Unreasonable Unorthodox | Helping business to grow & scale for 35+ years. Creator of the Total QX Framework for Business Optimisation

Paul Lange is an internationally experienced management consultant, business trainer, and exceptional business coach, with over 35 years in the Private Equity/Venture Capital Industry. Known for his unorthodox yet highly effective methods, Paul stands out in a field where innovation and results are paramount.

Paul’s journey in the world of business is deeply rooted in the hospitality sector, where his career began. From his first two jobs in the industry to establishing his inaugural business venture, Paul’s foundational experiences in hospitality have profoundly shaped his understanding of service excellence and workforce dynamics. His continuous connection to the food/hospitality and other industries, through investments, coaching, and international consulting, coupled with his role in developing innovative staff training programs, underscores his comprehensive expertise in this vibrant field.

Paul has a passion for business optimisation and has developed the Total QX (Total Quality Experience) framework, which emphasises the human aspect in business excellence. His approach blends the pursuit of pleasure, passion, and purpose with profit generation, a philosophy he embodies as the Hedonist Entrepreneur.

Paul’s professional journey is marked by his deep commitment to creating transformative business strategies. His Total QX framework, emphasising quality and experience, is at the forefront of his consulting approach. This framework is more than a business model; it’s a reflection of Paul’s belief in integrating pleasure and passion into the fabric of business, thereby enhancing both personal fulfilment and corporate success. If you’re seeking to elevate your business with innovative strategies and a human-centric approach, Paul’s expertise offers an unparalleled opportunity. He welcomes conversations with like-minded professionals and businesses aspiring to blend profitability with purpose and passion.
The Hedonist Entrepreneur Initiative. The Art of Enjoying Business and Life
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