
February 13, 2024
The Recipe and Ingredients of Business Excellence

Discover the essential steps to create a thriving business and learn how the meticulous process of preparing a dish mirrors the strategic approach needed in business to ensure growth, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. Perfect for entrepreneurs and business owners looking for innovative strategies to scale their operations.

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February 12, 2024
Navigating Entitlement in the Workplace

Explore how to transform workplace culture from toxic to terrific. Discover strategies for empowering employees and fostering a collaborative environment that promotes growth, respect, and shared success.

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February 9, 2024
Transforming Hospitality: Mastering Workforce Dynamics in Tourism Hotspots

Like many industries, in hospitality and especially in the bustling tourism hotspots every move counts. I've been involved in the Private Equity/Venture Capital industry for over 35 years and have witnessed firsthand the seismic shifts and subtle nuances that define success. My journey began in the hospitality sector, and it's where my passion for refining and revolutionizing business models took root. Throughout the years, I've stayed intimately connected to the industry, shaping its future through investments, consulting, coaching and developing staff training programs.

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January 8, 2024
Creative Catalysts: Driving Business Optimisation Through Innovative Ideation

Explore the crucial role of innovative thinking in business optimization. Discover strategies for effective ideation and learn how innovation can lead to increased productivity, competitive advantage, and customer satisfaction.

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The Hedonist Entrepreneur Initiative. The Art of Enjoying Business and Life
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