Commercial negotiations

Some negotiations can feel tricky, delicate or complex; especially when you're so close to everything. When the deal is important enough, it makes sense to invest in experience to help you get it across the line.

My approach

I take a deep interest in observing human behaviour and psychology. It opens insights into intention, meaning and purpose all of which are powerful assets that help steer the negotiation to a desired outcome.

Negotiation for me is finding the common ground in a transaction and bringing that to a mutually equitable conclusion. OK. So if the other side is really slack and won't stand for their value and what they believe I'll take everything extra I can get (within reason) for my team and my client.

Seeking a mutually equitable solution is not to be mistaken with someone who concedes everything, including the kitchen sink, for the purpose of getting a deal - quite the contrary.

If you're more of a 'win and beat the other person into the ground at any cost' type of person, then we will not flow!

International negotiator

I've been exposed and have become experienced in negotiation styles, techniques, strategies and tactics from former Eastern Europe, to Japan, China, the Middle East and Africa. Yes, that's a lot!

I've learned from what I've considered to be some of the best in their field before they either retired or passed from this life.

I've also trained with several of the world's best body language and non-verbal communication experts who apply their technology to the commercial realm to help people like you and I create better outcomes. See below for more about these amazing professionals.

Humble beginnings

I cut my teeth in commercial negotiations back in the early 1980's in Hungary, when it was still behind the Iron Curtain. I'd just finished my high school in Australia and left for Europe.

My father had a trade and commerce representation business and I accompanied him to learn the ropes. One of his clients was an Australian company negotiating the sale and installation of their air conditioning units into the (then) Hungarian State run Ikarus buses.

The general approach of the Hungarian team was to get our team inebriated with hourly rounds of Schnaps and toasts to just about everyone you could imagine, make completely unreasonable demands, and hold out with any concessions until an hour before our flights. That and rely heavily on the bugs (listening devices) in our rooms.

Some of the experts I've trained with!

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Alan Stevens | Leading Human Patterns Recognition Expert

Alan Stevens is a leading authority in reading people to build successful negotiations and close deals faster, which he does through a 3-step process where you learn how to read people, communicate how they want to be spoken to, and act when they are ready to buy. He recently helped a client resurrect what was rapidly becoming a lost deal, to close it at $2million. And helped another negotiate his way out of a $150k loss and turn it into a multimillion-dollar project
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Tony Morris | Leading International Body Language Expert

Since establishing TorsoTalk in 1999, Tony has trained almost 17,000 people in 59 countries. He has shared his knowledge and expertise with executives, sales managers, sales and HR people in small, medium and major global corporations across a wide range of industries. TorsoTalk offers you a range of in-house training courses to support your business success. Every course can be customised to suit your specific requirements. Courses range from a ½ day to 3 days.

Some of the reasons business people choose to work with me

A few scenarios typical of the primary challenges of business leaders and business owners before we start to work together.

Systemise to Scale

You have a great business and know it can be bigger, better and add value to more people. But how? How can you keep doing all of the stuff that people love you for, keep the quality and still scale up?
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Growth & Expansion

You want more clients, to spend more with you, more frequently, and tell others to do the same! Totally understandable! With so many possibilities of where to start, what should you focus on first?
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Strategic Acquisition

Organic business growth takes time. But you want to fast-track expansion! Maybe you can acquire a complimentary business. How do you structure a deal that's win-win without deep pockets?
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Execute to an Exit

You're ready to continue your journey onto the next milestone in your business career. Which type of exit sets you up to take on the new challenges you want to pursue and how do you create that exit?
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Commercial Negotiations

Some negotiations are tricky, delicate or complex; especially when you're so close to everything. When the deal is important, it makes sense to invest in experience to help you get it across the line.
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Access Equity Capital

Your business has proven its viability, you're making sales, have some traction and a loyal following. Now you want to level up even faster. Private equity capital can help fast track your plans.
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I work together with Experts, Business Owners, C-Suite Executives, Entrepreneurs and Educators to leave a lasting legacy.
The Hedonist Entrepreneur Initiative. The Art of Enjoying Business and Life
Sydney, Berlin, Amsterdam
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